The Love Junkies are Tina Ribena, Harvey Eggington, Matt Shepherd, Rosie Mark, Eloise Smith, Nathan Dawe, Tom Clare and Dave Patrick.
Meet The Love Junkies
Tina Ribena – Vocals
Matt Shepherd – Bass
Harvey Eggington – Vocals
Rosie Mark – Vocals
Tom Clare – Drums
Eloise Smith – Vocals
Dave Patrick – Guitar, Backing Vocal
Nathan Dawe – Bass Guitar, Keys, Backing Vocal
Our LJs Alumni – players to have paved the way…
Rox Clayton-Scott – Vocals
Marcus Bishop – Drums / Backing vocal
Andee Price – Bass / Backing Vocal
Chris Wong
Guitar, Bass, Drums
Andy Doble
Jake Willson
Guitar, Bass
Ben Ashby
Dudley Ross
Wall of fame. Other deputee’s to play with the band include…
- Rachel Lowrie – Vocal | MySpace
- Dudley Ross – Guitar
- Julian Landymore – Saxophone
- Neil Waters – Trumpet
- Richard Ansell – Keys
- Len Pritchard – Keys
A brief history
The Love Junkies were formed in 2000 when singer and drummer team, Rox Clayton Scott and Marcus Bishop partnered up with Silent Prayers guitarist Dave Patrick and Speakeasy bass player, Nathan Dawe. Combined with a small brass section the band went on to play a number of successful function gigs. In 2001, the band landed a residency at Studio 41 in Canterbury.
At that time Chris Wong joined the band on guitar to fulfil the club gigs as a trio. As the function gigs came piling in, Dave joined up for the residency, Chris moved to Bass guitar and the established classic 4 piece line-up of the band was set. 2002 was the year it all took off. Since then the band have been playing constantly, with gigs more or less every weekend, moreso during the summer months.
The mission was always the strong and overwhelming desire to get out there and play good classic music, soulfully, authentically and without the theatricals (i.e. no makeup, wigs, hairy chests, medallions and bs).
Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.
The band usually like to perform with as many musicians as possible, usually the core 5 piece with 2 brass and keyboard. Line-ups are flexible to suit the event and can be tailored depending on space and budget.
For more info on line-up, see our FAQ section.